Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ready, set, go!

I have been wanting to start a blog for a little while now, but have been discouraged by people I know who are concerned about me unleashing my slightly offbeat thoughts onto the internet.

Finally, I decided to say stuff them, ignore their advice and here we are. Firstly I would like to say that there will be no theme to this blog, it is more of a collection of my random observations and thoughts, like many blogs. I do however promise there will be no angsty poetry.

So, where to start?

1. Lifestyle Programs

I love good lifestyle program, more specifically makeover shows. Give me 'How to look good naked' or 'What not to wear' or 'How do I look?' (though only the season hosted by the enthusiastic young Asian girl). And I mourn the loss of Tim Gunns' show.

With that said I am always puzzled by these women who are so repulsed by themselves, I mean what gives? How have they gotten to that point in their lives, most of them are married to seemingly supportive partners and most of them are average or skinny. I am always shocked, I just want to yell at the TV, you look fine, great, sexy, beautiful and all the rest.

I would say that 99 per cent (ok 95%) are smaller than me. While being blessed with height and the shoulders of a rugby player I am fine looking at my naked body and while I have my moments of low self esteem, mostly focused around trying to buy pants that fit and flatter I am happy with my body.

This begs the question, whose perception is more on the mark? Are these women on makeover shows at the crazy extreme or am I the anomaly?

It makes me angry that our society has somehow influenced these women to feel so rubbish about themselves on a daily basis. It must be so exhausting to feel like that all the time. I am going to make a concerted effort when I see a wonderful looking women to compliment her.

2. Lamingtons

Tomorrow I plan to make lamington cupcakes (because I like to bake - a lot) in preparation for Australia Day. However a conversation I had last night has me thinking. A friend mentioned that she did not like lamingtons without cream, whereas I felt that a good lamington finger without cream can be tasty.

It had never occurred to me that someone would not like regular lamington. Weird.

3. Online Dating

Having found myself single recently for the first time in a while, a friend encouraged me to venture into the world of online dating. Now as someone who likes to online shop this is a fantastic match. However I can't seem to wrap my head around the reality of it. I am sending out kisses, looking at profiles and generally having a good time, but nothing has progressed further.

And it has made me wonder are people really meeting this way, or are we all online looking for a virtual ego boost to help us done the pub Saturday night? Or is my profile not appealing enough and I am not attracting the right kind of guy?

More questions than answers this entry. But hopefully a good start.

Now I am off to make a pot of tea and research the perfect lamington recipe to turn into a cupcake.

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